Saturday 18 June 2016

Last Blog (T3B103)

This will be my last blog before summer break.

Red Bananas (T3B102)

Apparently someones injecting hiv infected blood into the bananas in Canada and United States.

Just found out this was a hoax.

Shooting (T3B101)

Seriously, I am so disappointing in the ISIS. Why did they go shooting in Orlando anyways?

100th Blog? (T3B100)

Wow. It's the first time I got to 100 blogs in a term.

Dead Bees (T3B99)

When I was walking home today, I saw a bunch of dead bees on the ground.... I wonder what happened to them? Probably pesticides.

Fruits (T3B98)

It's so sad how fruits are sooo expensive these days. Literally its $6-8 for a small bag of cherries or strawberries. On top of that, they're rather tasteless.

English Final (T3B97)

I think I forgot to mention the English finals. Everyone did really bad. I think the average is like a C+. I did really bad.