Monday, 30 November 2015

Pollution (T1B67)

China now sees the impacts of global warming with a giant fog. Link.

Angels (T1B66)

It's so weird to see Hell's Angel (Canada's gangster group) actually waiting in line at Walmart to buy all the bicycles for donation at the homeless shelter. Link

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Seed Bombs (T1B65)

Cool! In the future, we might make these things called seed bombs : Link. Basically, we just lunch them into deserted areas and the plants grow inside the bombs until they're ready to be planted where the "bomb" will break down leaving the plant.

Guide Dog (T1B64)

Usually, guide dogs are only used by humans. However, this poor blind dog depends on its guide dog to get around : Link.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Spiders As Tools(T1B63)

We can now find a spider and its prey's DNA from its web silk now. Link. Apparently, checking these webs can be a biomonitoring tool.

Trump Moment (T1B62)

Btw, here's another Trump moment: Link. This time, he's mocking a reporter with disabilities...

Japanese Inventions (T1B61)

Japan is the best place for finding cute and cool inventions. Take this for example: Link. These are self watering plants that are put on the backs of adorable ceramic animals. All you have to do is place the straw connected to the animals in a glass of water. They will then water themselves.
Cute ceramic self watering animals!

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Finger Painting (T160)

We all know that police can identify people with fingerprints because they are so unique, but these researchers developed a way to identify genders as well. Link. Basically, females tend to have more amino acids in their sweat, so all we have to do is measure the amount of acids.
However, I don't know if this discovery is very that significant for crimes...

Great Wall of Canada (T1B59)

After declaring that he will build a wall between Mexico and America as president, Donald Trump says that he will also build a wall between Canada and America. Link. It is going to cost about 350 billion dollars, which he says will be paid off of Canadian gamblers in about 10 years. He says that it will be the 8th great wonder of the world.
What kind of idiot will spend so much resources and tax-payer money on a destructible wall that an airplane can fly over? I can't believe that some Americans actually support him.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Peculiar Twins (T1B58)

Usually, twins are born just a few minutes apart. However, these pair of twins were actually born 18 days apart : Link. Apparently, the first twin suffered from premature birth and was born at 23 weeks while the other became anemic and suffered blood loss.

Destroying Nature (T1B57)

Wow. Destroying nature is somehow beautiful... Link to photography in New York.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Bad News Canada (T1B56)

Yes, Donald Trump is getting crazier and crazier... especially when he says that if he's president, America would be at war with Canada:Link. Like one of his reasons of taking over Canada is literally because he wants to save our money from ducks. I swear, if he becomes the president (very unlikely), I'm moving to Abu Dhabi.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Ken Lee (T1B55)

There are many fun (or hilarious) ways of learning English: Link. Like this women who entered a singing contest with the wrong lyrics...But at least she's learning English. :)

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Friday, 20 November 2015

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Military "Equipment" (T1B52)

We all know that there was a huge Paris attack recently. Unfortunately, a French military dog was killed in this attack while looking for explosives: Link

I find it extremely upsetting for humans to use other animals for our own problems like war. War is only caused by humans and yet, we still involve other animals even if they want to or not. Let this incident remind us of our foolishness and cruelty.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Friday, 13 November 2015

A Crisis (T1B50)

The Paris shooting is now a global crisis: Link which killed many people. Many people now want Islamic refugees to leave their country even if they mean no harm.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Colour (T1B47)

In this article: Link, women apparently see more colours to help them identify fruits while men see action more clearly for hunting.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Parasites (T1B46)

Imagine getting cancer from a parasitic worm in your intestines. Unfortunately, that's what happened to this man: Link

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Did you know that it's illegal in France to throw away edible food in supermarkets? Neither did I.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015


This is a hilarious prank of the typical unboxing YouTube video: Link

Monday, 2 November 2015

The Wonders of 3D Printing (T1B42)

I don't even know the point of making 3D printed hair. Apparently there is a point: Link. They also made apartment buildings printed out of a 3D printer. Link. I do not know if this is safe or earthquake proof.

It would be bad enough to get a prosthetic arm but it would be even worse to have a 3D printed arm based on the movie Frozen. Check it out: Link

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Magical Unicorn (T1B41)

So this article is about cleaning up the ocean with this cool system. Here is the link: Cool invention.
This thing is supposed to remove approximately 1/3 of the ocean's surface plastic pollution in 5 years.

The problem with this plan is that all the garbage is going to go back onto Earth in landfills. If only someone could come up with some kind of magical invention that would zap all our garbage and make them disappear.
And the next nobel prize is given to Ms. Unicorn! - NapoleanChurchill 01/11/15