Thursday 31 December 2015

Detector (T2B23)

I really hope that this detector is good enough during an earthquake. Link.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Vancouver Earthquake (T2B22)

Yesterday was a big wake-up call for earthquake preparation. Although it was a small earthquake (magnitude of around 4.4 or so), it is one of the largest earthquakes in Vancouver before the Big One (which I'm very worried about).  Earthquake News

One thing that was very surprising was how my friends and their families responded. When the earthquake struck, my friends simply paused what they were doing and sat it through. Their parents, on the other hand, began packing up their valuables. None of them climbed under a table for safety. This should not be what they do during the Big One. Packing up valuables is dangerous and childish during a disaster.

I believe that our society is beginning to "wreck" humankind. We are being taught that valuables such as diamonds mean more than our life because of the time and effort we spent earning money for that valuable. Money and valuables are not even close to being substitutes with human lives, and should not be of any value during a disaster because you simply cannot buy a life with money.

However, I realized that living a life after a disaster can be difficult without money or a home, but we should realize now that earthquakes are real and are going to happen. A death is not worth the money. Learn how to take care of yourself.

Monday 28 December 2015

Cloning? (T2B20)

When I was browsing through a few articles, I came across this one Link, which apparently stated that China will begin cloning animals for food in 2016 due to the insufficient amount of poultry and meats being produced recently. 

I'm not very sure if this news is true, because I'm sure a lot of people would be against this idea... However, if the clones really are used for the purpose of food, I think that this method of producing more food is an effective method to feed our growing population. Let's just hope that humans won't be the future animals going into these cloning machines.

Sunday 27 December 2015

Illinois Floods (T2B19)

Recently, there had been a flood in Illinois where 15 people died and several were injured. Many houses were also 'flattened'. Link. Accompanied with this disaster,  many states faced lots of snow and blizzards.

Wow. To think that there had been so much disaster and it didn't even snow where I live.

Thursday 24 December 2015

Our Future in Energy (T2B17)

I wonder what energy will be like in the future? Apparently, Uruguay is now approaching 100% renewable energy. Link.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Drowning (T2B16)

In this article, an eight year old drowned in a ship's swimming pool. Apparently, lifeguards were not assigned at the pool. Link.

First of all, why is there a swimming pool in a boat when it is already floating on water? Second of all, why are there no lifeguards?????! It shouldn't be a surprise that someone actually died. 

I wonder what people in the past would think of us now: people keep water in and out of a boat and it's not even a submarine.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Soap? (T2B15)

We all wash our wounds with soap and water right? In this article, it states that one should use a salt solution instead. Link. Apparently, hospital patients whose wounds were washed with soap required surgery a few years later due to infection.

I would personally not use a saline solution because it stings a lot... But, I heard that some soaps kill of a lot of bacteria, leaving only the stronger ones which may build up and become a problem. That may be why many patients required surgery for infections afterwards.

Monday 21 December 2015

Seabin (T2B14)

So, there's gonna be this kind of automated seabin that will remove garbage and oil from our oceans so they can be disposed of properly. Link

I think that this idea is a pretty good idea to promote clean waters. What is more important, however, is getting people to stop littering in the oceans so that these problems would not be an issue. For now, it is important to protect our marine life from global warming, which causes ocean acidification.

Sunday 20 December 2015

A Horse's Death (T2B13)

This article, again, is an example of how we use animals to our own advantage: Link. A police officer and his horse were both hit by a truck and at the horses last moments of life, he was euthanized at the scene.

It must be horrible to witness a dying horse that is clearly in lots of pain. Let us hope that people will drive more carefully in the future to prevent these incidents.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Friday 18 December 2015

Silly Inventions (T2B11)

Check out these hilarious silly inventions!!! Link. To say the truth, I'll probably buy the butter stick and get it confused with a glue stick!

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Bottled Air (T2B10)

We would never expect that China is actually selling bottled air 50 times more expensive than mineral water... So the air in China is so polluted that they actually buy air brought from Canada. Link. Well at least Canada found a way to improve their economy.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

School Principal (T2B09)

Apparently, this school principal banned anything that's to do with Santa, Thanksgiving, or the pledge of Allegiance to make sure that there is nothing religious in the school. Link. She says that this is because not everybody believes in the same religion.

Although what she says is true, I dunno if Christmas really should be banned in schools... Having Christmas parties are just awesome! I think that people that are Jewish and celebrate Hannukah will still enjoy an occasional party once in a while. Either way, this teacher sounds a bit like Hitler and the teachers, Nazis.

Monday 14 December 2015

True Courage (T2B08)

Remember the times where you thought you were brave when you stood up to a bully? Now imagine throwing yourself in front of a grenade to save a friend. Link. I wonder what it must be like - to know that you might die to save your friend.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Limestone Secrets (T2B07)

In Bolivia, there's this giant wall with a bunch of dinosaur footprints 68 million years old. Link. Maybe someday, aliens will see our footprints soon after we become extinct...

Saturday 12 December 2015

Better Shelters (T2B06)

It's very nice to see people helping the Syrian Refugees! Link. Ikea is building temporary shelters equipped with solar energy, mosquito nets, lighting and ventilation. In addition, the doors are also lockable.

Friday 11 December 2015

Refugees (T2B05)

I am very excited for the new Syrian refugees that just arrived in Canada! Video Link. However, I am not sure what would happen to them if another Extreme Islam attack is launched.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Sad Photography (T2B04)

This German Nazi Soldier returns home to find his family dead. 
This brave Japanese boy brings his dead brother to cremation ground.

All that's left of their home are these paintings.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Cute = Death? (T2B03)

Have you ever wondered why people tend to squeeze the soft fluffy cheeks of a cute animal like they want to strangle it? Apparently, it's basically the same concept for why you cry when you are overly happy. Here's the link: Murder?.
I feel like squishing this cat... - NapoleonChurchill 09/12/15

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Excellent! (T2B02)

In this article, Donald Trump was apparently disqualified from running for president: Link. The White House says that he does not represent America's values.


Monday 7 December 2015

American Hitler (T2B01)

Sooooo, Donald Trump said that if he were president, all Muslims would be banned from entering America: Link. Also, he thinks that all Americans should be armed with guns to defend themselves from them. In the article, the Florida mayor is banning Trump in turn.

Ok. So Trump thinks that he can be the American Hitler right? It's not very different from Hitler and Jews since he wants the Muslims to be blocked off and killed at any time legally. Donald's new name = Adolf Trump.
"I have been reincarnated." - Adolf Trump 2015

Friday 4 December 2015

Sad Commercial (T1B72)

We only notice the things we need the most when they disappear. Check out this sad commercial: Link.

Thursday 3 December 2015

H.H. Holmes (T1B71)

Leonardo DiCaprio might actually win an oscar with this new horror film:Link. It's about the point of view from H.H. Holmes during his murders. If you didn't know, he built this large hotel with dead ends and block entrances where he would kill the guests.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Dumb Kid (T1B70)

Remember that kid who was arrested for bringing in a clock that looked like a bomb? Well, he's asking for 15 million dollars and an apology for having his life 'scarred'. At least he got to go to the white house and get a bunch of apple devices and popularity on social media.

Tiger and Goat (T1B69)

It is expected that a tiger would eat a goat upon contact. However, this little goat became best friends with the tiger and even shares the same territory as him :Link. I guess that once you get that lonely, you will be able to accept your food as your best friend...

Tuesday 1 December 2015