Thursday 31 March 2016

Weird Day (T3B15)

So my friend fainted first thing in the morning today. I dunno what happened, but its probably related to her being sick after coming back from China? It's funny how no one in my class realized that she fainted though...

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Monday 28 March 2016

Funny Robot (T3B13)

Haha. They released this robot onto the internet who could learn to talk like teens. Link. Apparently it became racist after like an hour.

Creepy (T3B12)

This ought to teach people not to text their crime plans: Link. FBI apparently broke into this shooter's iPhone in 26 minutes without Apple's help.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Cute miniature Stuff (T3B11)

Yup. I'm spending my spring break making miniature chocolate pretzels. They do look good enough to eat though...

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Spring Break (T3B10)

Spring Break is ending soon. NOOOOO

Algae Water Bottles (T3B09)

Beware, your water bottles may be made with seaweed sooner or later: Link.

Exploding Star (T3B08)

If you want to get your eyes blowed out by seeing the first video of an exploding star filmed by NASA, click this link: Link.

Sometimes I wish I lived in the future. Maybe I could see some aliens?

ISIS (T3B07)

I bet that if we attack the ISIS more, they're gonna recruit more foreigners to attack places like Brussels. Link. I hope they stop soon.

2016 President (T3B06)

Hahahaha... Americans are begging Justin Trudeau to run for American president after his great first impression. Link. Sadly, he would have to somehow be born in America first though.

What's more offensive to American presidential candidates than for American citizens to beg Canadian prime ministers to run for president?

Goldfish Braces (T3B05)

I can't believe they gave this fish named Mr. Hot Wings orthodontic treatment to open up his mouth. Link. Like goldfish only retail for about 27 cents and they spent a lot of research an money on it...

Friday 18 March 2016

Science Experiments (T3B04)

Another day full of growing bacteria on agar plates in my basement. Recently, my agar melted, so I had to remake it again. Took me 5 hours to streak on the bacteria.

Sorry for the boring post, it's 10:52 pm.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Idiot. (T3B03)

One of my family friends literally gave $2000.00 to a random stranger in the street because that guy said he would repay him.

This guy claiming to be some kind of Italian immigrant ask to "borrow" $2000.00, and my family friend went to the atm machine and took out $2000 in cash. He only realized his mistake a few hours later.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Funny Moms (T3B02)

Hahaha. This mom charged his son $1000 for being an unappreciative jerk because he didn't want want to help his younger brother. Link.

Some people just need to know how much their parents pay for them...

Sunday 13 March 2016

Cambodia Problems (T3B01)

So Cambodia's building a one time use toilet for a Thai princess's visit, and is planning to destroy the toilet afterwards. The toilet will cost an estimated $40, 000 US. Link. In Cambodia, only  about 47% of the population have access to toilets.

Friday 11 March 2016

Spring Break (T2B85)

Finally spring break! I'll be spending those two weeks growing bacteria downstairs in my lab for the science fair...

Thursday 10 March 2016

True Fact (T2B84)

We know that Donald Trump won't be president when Facebook makes fun of him.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Sad Kitten (T2B83)

This poor kitten without an eye was named ugly because she was all dirty and filthy. Apparently no one cared for the cat and hosed it or slammed doors on her paws. One day, a dog mauled and injured her a lot until she died swiftly. We should never judge a thing by its cover, because you never know its full story. Link.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

(T2B82) Band Concert

So yesterday I spent 3 hours at the band concert in my school, and we were not allowed to leave even after we performed. After the first 5 minutes, I was sooo bored. Seriously, I don't even get why we have to stay. I was literally starving, and I still had to listen to amatures playing notes.

(T2B81) Kim Kardashian

Seriously Kim actually named her daughter North West. Just gonna keep my mouth shut.

Sunday 6 March 2016

(T2B80) Pet Shelter

So apparently this couple didn't know which dog to save a shelter so they bought the whole store. Link. How do these people even have that much money to buy a whole dog shelter????

Saturday 5 March 2016

District Science Fair (T2B79)

Yesterday was the science fair and it was absolutely awesome! The judges seemed kind of stunned at my project and presentation because they forgot to ask questions... Anyways, my presentation was way too long and the judges had to stop me at one point. :)) My student teacher was also a judge!!!

Dinner was awesome! The synergy kids stayed together and we had a delicious bacon burger. Our tours later on were also very interesting. My group cross-linked glue polymers with borax.

Finally at the awards ceremony, my friends and I won medals, and a place at the regional science fair!!! It was very exciting! We also got free pizza slices in the end!!!

Best day ever!!!!

My Project Board - NapoleanChurchill 05/03/16

Thursday 3 March 2016

Japanese Kokeshi Doll (T2B78)


Wednesday 2 March 2016

Nature Necklace (T2B77)

Great! You can now pick up a flower and wear it preserved in your own necklace! Link.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Nazis (T2B76)

Just reading a bit about World War 2 today and the Jewish holocaust. Some things are so gruesome, like when the doctors experimented on children and made conjoined twins using stiches. That doctor is called the angel of death, because he was so kind to the children, and gave them clothing and candy and let them call him Uncle. The next day, the were transported to the medical laboratories.