Saturday 18 June 2016

Last Blog (T3B103)

This will be my last blog before summer break.

Red Bananas (T3B102)

Apparently someones injecting hiv infected blood into the bananas in Canada and United States.

Just found out this was a hoax.

Shooting (T3B101)

Seriously, I am so disappointing in the ISIS. Why did they go shooting in Orlando anyways?

100th Blog? (T3B100)

Wow. It's the first time I got to 100 blogs in a term.

Dead Bees (T3B99)

When I was walking home today, I saw a bunch of dead bees on the ground.... I wonder what happened to them? Probably pesticides.

Fruits (T3B98)

It's so sad how fruits are sooo expensive these days. Literally its $6-8 for a small bag of cherries or strawberries. On top of that, they're rather tasteless.

English Final (T3B97)

I think I forgot to mention the English finals. Everyone did really bad. I think the average is like a C+. I did really bad.

Science Finals (T3B96)

Cna't wait to get my science finals back! I hope I at least do well on it.

Locker Duty (T3B95)

Ughh. I'm helping out for locker duty on the 28th. I also have the Synergy lunch on the same time.

Work (T3B94)

Apparently my friend is gonna be working over summer break at her dad's office. She's gonna get a cubicle and all that.

Presentation (T3B93)

I still have to do an English presentation on the last day of school

Youth Canada (T3B92)

I'm gonna look over the opportunities Youth Canada posted on its website. Maybe I'm going to do of those over summer break?

Chem Contest (T3B91)

Oh ya. Forgot to mention that the competition doesn't look at age, so I have to self study over everything. My brother got 40th place in Canada in grade 11.

Chemistry Competition (T3B90)

I need to study for my chemistry competition next year for Waterloo or something like that. That's probably what I'm going to do over summer break.

Chinese Relatives (T3B89)

My Chinese Relatives just arrived. They make good food, so I like it when they make dinner.

Scholarships (T3B88)

I'm starting to worry about the scholarships I'm gonna apply to in grade 11/12. I was talking to my genius friend about it. She went to a Harvard Debate tournament for international something, and also provincial speech competitions where she won third place. She also went to national debate. I think I'm gonna do debate and speech competitions next year.

Term End (T3B87)

I don't know why, but I'm doing really bad in school compared to term 1. Actually, everyone's doing really bad right now. This better not happen to me in grade 10 when marks actually count.

Extracurriculars (T3B86)

I gotta work on my extracurriculars over summer. I might consider entering in some poetry/writing competitions or some other kinds of stuff like that. Actually, I'm probably gonna send the whole time at UBC lab so ya.

Science Fair (T3B85)

Some of my friends really want to do the science fair so they can go to CWSF next year. I have to help them out so ya.

Biogenius (T3B84)

Anyways, I'm probably gonna do some kind of genetically modifying bacteria for Microbial fuel cells for next years biogenius challenge and science fair. I still have to talk to Mr. Mo if we're allowed to do innovation projects.

Churchill Biogenius Results (T3B83)

Oh ya, I forgot to mention how this grade 12 girl at my school did really well at the 2015 Biogenius Challenge. I think she got 5th place in BC or something like that. Here's the link: Biogenius.

BioGenius Challenge (T3B82)

Can't wait to participate in the Safonni BioGenius Challenge! We have to do biotechnology projects, and I'm hopefully gonna do mines on microbiology (I love bacteria, you see).

Summer Break (T3B81)

I'm really busy over summer break. Gotta do stuff like the BioGenius Challenge. Hopefully I can win a good award even though I'll be in grade 9 (We kinda have to compete against the grade 12 students too).

Can't Believe School Over Soon (T3B80)

I can't believe school's gonna be over soon... I'm looking forward to the lunch at Old Spaghetti's Factory soon. My brother said they also had that lunch when he was in Synergy.

Survey (T3B79)

Gotta do a survey for CWSF right now. It's pretty annoying cause they give those reminders and stuff.

Math Finals (T3B78)

Eh. Didn't do so well on my math finals.

Yayyy! (T3B77)

Just found out I'm top 6 students in English apparently? My friend saw a list of names on my English Teacher's table.

Band Party (T3B76)

Right after the French Final exam, my band class had a nice party with plenty of food (strawberries, pop, and chips). We also watched an outdated movie while we signed each other's yearbooks.

French Finals (T3B75)

I had my French Finals today. It was fairly easy, except there were soo many questions we had to do... Everyone else thought it was pretty hard though.

Finished Final! (T3B74)

Wow! The science final was actually really easy for me. We had 11/2 hours to do 100 questions, and I finished in about 15-20 minutes! I was able to review through my answers two times! I hope all the other finals are as easy as this.

Science Final (T3B73)

I spent the whole time after school writing a review sheet for the science final. I had to read through the whole stack of notes I wrote over the school year, the thick textbook, the workbook, and a practice exam my friends sent me. I really hope the exam is easy.

Finals (T3B72)

We're finally doing our final exams and they're actually not that bad... Except when we get our marks back. Nobody really did well.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

No Report Cards (T3B71)

I heard that the reason why we are not having report cards anymore is that the ministry of education wants to save resources in order to pay teachers a higher wage. I can't believe they are sacrificing students for this.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Sub Teacher (T3B70)

Today for AS, we had a sub, and he still made us present our presentations.

Filming (T3B69)

Tomorrow, I'm going to be filming at my friends house for a Science Project that's due soon.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Band Concert (T3B68)

Today was the junior night spring concert and all band students had to stay for the whole performance. Apparently everyone in the junior band ditched though. I wish I left early so I could finish all my homework earlier...

Gauss Competition (T3B67)

The results for the 2016 Gauss Math Competition is finally out! Sadly, my teacher lost her sheet with the results (since I missed last week of school), so I probably won't know my score any time soon. I hope I did well though.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Homework (T3B66)

After coming back from the CWSF, I have sooo much homework to catch up:

  • Applied skills presentations, observations, and power point set up.
  • French Montreal memorized presentation
  • English poetry presentation, memorization, practice, research, and power point set up.
  • Science worksheets, filming, script editing, footage editing. (Angeline is not cooperating :( )
  • Math quizzes and homework.
  • Band practising pieces for upcoming spring concert.
  • Socials Studies gardening and story writing + interview transcript typed out.
  • Gym practice softball + running.
Better get started....

Saturday 21 May 2016

CWSF Conclusion (T3B65)

I gotta say that the CWSF was one of the best experiences in my life. I met so many new people that were unbelievably well-rounded, and I had a very fun time. I'm really looking forward to next year's science fair!!!

Day 6 - Departure (T3B64)

We slept at 12:00 am to say goodbye with everyone else, and we woke up at 5:00 am to get on our buses without breakfast. It's kinda sad to see everyone go, especially the grade 12's who won't be coming back next year.

River Cruise (T3B63)

This was perhaps my favourite day. There were three floors to the cruise boat: a bottom relaxing floor with giant windows, a second floor with refreshments and snacks, and a final floor with was open to let wind come inside. Also, there was a dance floor with cool multicoloured lights, loud music from a DJ. It was absolutely wonderful!!! The cruise lasted from the evening to the night, and we saw many beautiful buildings and amusement parks on the way.

My favourite part was taking the bus back to the dorms, since we got to see whole downtown at night!!!

McGill Bookstore (T3B62)

Visited the bookstore today! The clothing is sure overpriced...

Day 6 - Meet the Winners (T3B61)

I literally spent my whole morning reading the platinum award winner projects. Strange enough, they were all girls... (Maybe a bit biased). Anyway, I was surprised to learn that those projects were actually not as good as I thought they were. I also had a giant ice - cream sandwich that unfortunately melted because it was sooo hot. It's pretty  weird how it was actually snowing a few days ago...

Day 5 - Awards (T3B60)

Awards ceremony was pretty cool. My friend got silver. We also had a cool video dance with glow sticks. I wish I actually like dancing.

Talent Show (T3B59)

On the same day, we had a talent show during dinner. A bunch of people went up to sing, and one person also did a comedy act.

Day 4 - Public Viewing (T3B58)

Basically Day 4 was the most boring day of the whole trip. We had public viewing for the whole day.

Sugar Shack Evening (T3B57)

The sugar shack evening took place in the fancy McConnell Hall again. We had a lot of cool maple syrup snacks including maple syrup basted ham and maple syrup lollipops. We also had the famous "taffy on snow" snack on popsicle sticks.

Day 3 - Bus Tours (T3B56)

The bus tours were pretty cool. We went on the double tour buses with no cover on their second floors, and we toured around Montreal, getting off whenever we wanted to. We visited a whole lot of churches including the Notre Dame.

Block Party (T3B55)

After a great lunch, the BC team proceeded to the Block Party. It was fascinating! We were given ultimate disks and 4 coupons to buy dinner, drinks, and desserts from the variety of Italian, French, and Chinese food trucks.

The party itself was awesome! The field was surrounded with cool bouncy castles which were pretty scary. For example, we had this cool bouncy free-fall castle! Anyway, dinner was a margaritas pizza with bacon poutine and coke.

Day 2 - Judging (T3B54)

Today was judging day!!! I got up extra early at 5:00 am to shower first, and the down town view from the dorms was very pretty! Lots of tall skyscrapers and lights everywhere... Also did I mention that it was snowing?

Anyway, judging wasn't as terrifying as I thought... Although some were rather difficult to talk to.

Opening Ceremonies and Flavours of Montreal (T3B53)

We had an absolutely excellent opening ceremony. There was a gala dinner in McConnell Area, which was SUPER fancy! There were white sofas, bar-like chairs and tables with pretty centrepieces, a variety of gourmet food, and super formal looking waiters. The flavours of Montreal Dinner was wonderful, although it was super crowded...

Day 1 - Project set up (T3B52)

In the morning, we started out with a great breakfast in Bishop Mountain Hall: scrambled eggs, sausage, and hash browns with a drink. I also got two servings of their delicious chilled strawberries and watermelon!

Later on, we got assigned groups to set up our project boards in the exhibition hall. The projects all look great! I took particular interest to the silver-nano particle antibody complex cancer treatment method in which the silver nano particles were engineered to specifically target cancer cells. This project seems like its gonna win platinum, especially since he worked on his project since grade 5...

Arrival (T3B51)

I got up at 6:30 am to get to the YVR airport at 7:10. Unfortunately, I was a bit too early... Anyways, we received our red BC jackets and climbed on the air plane. When we finally got to our dorms, we discovered that we received a bunch of gifts! I got a CWSF backpack, water bottle, key chain, and an umbrella. Dinner consisted of some lasagne and some salad with a drink of choice. Definitely a great day!!!

Montreal! (T3B50)

I had a great time at the CWSF in Montreal! For the next few blogs, I'm going to write about my experiences.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Cyberbullying (T3B49)

Topic assigned by teacher: Cyberbullying.

Recently my friends were getting upset over a student named Karl because he wanted to control our behaviour. As a result, people were getting mad at him over our class chat. I wasn't contributing to the texts because I rarely use Google Hangouts, and I was only able to read a few comments on Karl. Although Karl was somewhat being annoying to the rest of the class, no one should have criticised him.

However next time, I would suggest that Karl not be permitted to take our phones in class. It is time we don't get treated like kids.

Monday 9 May 2016

Raindrop Cake (T3B48)

I seriously don't understand why raindrop cakes are so popular. I mean, they're just tasteless agar shapes.
Raindrop Cake - Looks visually disgusting.....

Hillary Clinton Probs (T3B47)

Wow. Apparently some people related to Hillary Clinton were tied with the Panama Papers. Of course, it could be her pretending to be her relatives during the transaction. Why We Shouldn't Vote Hillary.

Expensive Printing (T3B46)

For the science fair display, we are required to print a large poster with dimensions 190 cm x 126 cm. I never knew that the poster could cost more than a hundred dollars!

Fire (T3B45)

So apparently some students that are going to the CWSF this Saturday were affected by the recent wildfire in Alberta. They don't have anything to pack as a result. We're supposed to donate some money for them so that the trip stays memorable.

Friday 6 May 2016

Science Fair (T3B44)

Science Fair is in a week! Track city championships is next Thursday. Sooo excited!

Class Leader (T3B43)

Wow my class is sending so many complaints to our teacher.

Term Without Grades (T3B42)

So I have to write about a term without grades and my feedback for today's blog.

I personally don't think that school without grades would be successful. Grades are important for university and jobs. How will they know who to recruit for jobs without knowing how academically successful a student is?

If they don't use grades, they would probably use leadership and volunteer work instead of grades. But then what would happen to those who are more shy like me?

Everyone I talked to so far agreed we should keep grades, except for those who aren't doing very well in school.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Playland Transit (T3B41)

I got lost on the way back home from Playland with my friend. We ended up in Downtown where people dressed formal tuxedos. I ended up taking the skytrain back.

Yogurt (T3B40)

Apparently if you mix yogurt with milk and let it set overnight, you get more yogurt. Totally gonna try that.

Track and Field (T3B39)

Just had track a few minutes ago. My friend got first for high jump with 3.5 meters, and I got 3.52 meters for long jump. I hope all my friends get to go to city championships!

Playland (T3B38)

Yesterday, my class went to Playland to have fun, but I ended up working on 7 + pages of science physics questions for the whole time. I think I only went on 3 rides. Never paying $22 on this anymore.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Note (T3B37)

Just got a note from CWSF that I have to distribute to my teachers. Apparently I'm gonna miss 4 classes and I'm not supposed to do any homework at that time. Also, the principle spelled my name wrong on the email lol.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Clarinet (T3B36)

Dunno why my clarinet is squeaking so much lately. I'm so screwed for my band test tomorrow.

Monday 25 April 2016

Cruise (T3B35)

I can't wait to go to CWSF! Apparently we're all going on sunset boat cruises, and we're also having poutine and maple syrup candies for supper on the day we arrive!

Sunday 24 April 2016


Can't believe Donald Trump confused 9/11 to 7/11. Or maybe he did it on purpose...

Gym (T3B33)

Gym was so fun! I ran 400 meters in 1.08 minutes, and I also got first in my heat by 100 meters.

Track and Field (T3B32)

Track and Field was awesome! I jumped 3.7 meters for long jump, which was the highest for grade 8 girls in my school! The second girl got 3.55 meters.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Report (T2B31)

I'm trying to cram my 5-page CWSF report into 5 pages. At first, 5 pages seemed like a lot to write until I wrote 13 pages without trying. The hardest part is editing 13 pages into 5 pages.

Monday 18 April 2016

Ebay! (T3B30)

I finally sold the miniature lipstick on Ebay for $13.00! Some person from the US bought it. I only spent about $0.50 to make it, but it sold for sooo much!

Sun Run (T3B29)

Yesterday was such an exhausting day. I got up at 7:30 for the Sun Run but it only started at 10 am.

Friday 15 April 2016

Report Cards (T3B28)

This term I did ok for my report card. I got a B for socials studies. I hate how my teacher only gave me a letter grade for each assignment, and didn't comment on how I can improve the next time.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Donald Grave (T3B27)

HAHAHAHA so this mysterious donald trump grave appeared out of nowhere in Central Park!!! Link.

Weird Case of Burger - Napping (T3B26)

This is so weird. So this guy broke into a restaurant and cooked a few burgers and left with a bottle of water. Link. It would be so funny if people found out that he was actually a worker though.

Australian $5.00 = Vomit? (T3B25)

This is what Australia's money used to look like:

This is what it looks like now:

I feel kinda bad for Australia now...

Science Mentor! (T3B24)

When writing the 5-page report for the CWSF, I finally got paired up for a mentor to look over my work! She's basically a previous-year BC CWSF representor in 2015 for the senior division. Last year, she won a bronze medal for her project on ATP Starvation: Targeting Cancer Glucose Metabolism Using Metformin And MCT4 ASO. 

Of course, I have no idea whatsoever on what her project is about, but I'm still excited for her to read over my project report and give feedback!

CWSF Report (T3B23)

*So for these next few blogs, I'm going to write about my preparation and experience at the CWSF representing British Columbia.

Currently, I have to write a 5-page report in which I must hand in by Sunday, so I am really stressed out, especially because I have the Sun Run and Track Meet around that time.... Anyway, the most difficult part of this report would probably be condensing the full report into only 5 pages. I guess that's why they assigned me a mentor to look over my work.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Saturday 9 April 2016

GVRSF Day 3 (T3B21)

Today was an AMAZING day! It was the last day of the gvrsf and I won a few awards! I won:

  • Vancouver School Board Trophy with glass plaque
  • Gold Medal and Certificate
  • Nominee for the Canada Wide National Science Fair in May ( only 3 juniors were given this opportunity
It was such a great day!!!

Friday 8 April 2016


At the GVRSF today, we had to go attend our assigned tours. I went to this water purifying station and it was so boring. All the other tours got souvenirs like ice - cream, when our tour just had university students talking over powerpoints.

Regional Science Fair Experience (T3B19)

Yesterday, I was at the regional science fair from 12 pm to 8:30 pm.

An Alternative to Principle's List (T3B18)

Pros of Principle's List/Honour Roll :
  • acknowledges good work and work habits
  • rewards students for outstanding work
  • certificates can contribute to future resumes for applications to universities
Cons of Principle's List/Honour Roll:
  • different teachers and classes mark differently, thus giving non consistent A's among different classes
  • harder programs make it more difficult to get Principle's List
  • peer pressure
  • recognition certificates for all - round participation and outstanding work
    • volunteer work and sports
  • more specific awards for specific areas of interest
    • e. g. only volunteer or only sports

Sunday 3 April 2016

Pineapple (T3B17)

When you eat a pineapple, it's also eating you.

I thought we were friends.

Friday 1 April 2016

Hacker (T3B16)

I wonder if this guy is actually hiding money around Vancouver. Then again, it's April Fool's day, so probably not. Link.

Thursday 31 March 2016

Weird Day (T3B15)

So my friend fainted first thing in the morning today. I dunno what happened, but its probably related to her being sick after coming back from China? It's funny how no one in my class realized that she fainted though...

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Monday 28 March 2016

Funny Robot (T3B13)

Haha. They released this robot onto the internet who could learn to talk like teens. Link. Apparently it became racist after like an hour.

Creepy (T3B12)

This ought to teach people not to text their crime plans: Link. FBI apparently broke into this shooter's iPhone in 26 minutes without Apple's help.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Cute miniature Stuff (T3B11)

Yup. I'm spending my spring break making miniature chocolate pretzels. They do look good enough to eat though...

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Spring Break (T3B10)

Spring Break is ending soon. NOOOOO

Algae Water Bottles (T3B09)

Beware, your water bottles may be made with seaweed sooner or later: Link.

Exploding Star (T3B08)

If you want to get your eyes blowed out by seeing the first video of an exploding star filmed by NASA, click this link: Link.

Sometimes I wish I lived in the future. Maybe I could see some aliens?

ISIS (T3B07)

I bet that if we attack the ISIS more, they're gonna recruit more foreigners to attack places like Brussels. Link. I hope they stop soon.

2016 President (T3B06)

Hahahaha... Americans are begging Justin Trudeau to run for American president after his great first impression. Link. Sadly, he would have to somehow be born in America first though.

What's more offensive to American presidential candidates than for American citizens to beg Canadian prime ministers to run for president?

Goldfish Braces (T3B05)

I can't believe they gave this fish named Mr. Hot Wings orthodontic treatment to open up his mouth. Link. Like goldfish only retail for about 27 cents and they spent a lot of research an money on it...

Friday 18 March 2016

Science Experiments (T3B04)

Another day full of growing bacteria on agar plates in my basement. Recently, my agar melted, so I had to remake it again. Took me 5 hours to streak on the bacteria.

Sorry for the boring post, it's 10:52 pm.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Idiot. (T3B03)

One of my family friends literally gave $2000.00 to a random stranger in the street because that guy said he would repay him.

This guy claiming to be some kind of Italian immigrant ask to "borrow" $2000.00, and my family friend went to the atm machine and took out $2000 in cash. He only realized his mistake a few hours later.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Funny Moms (T3B02)

Hahaha. This mom charged his son $1000 for being an unappreciative jerk because he didn't want want to help his younger brother. Link.

Some people just need to know how much their parents pay for them...

Sunday 13 March 2016

Cambodia Problems (T3B01)

So Cambodia's building a one time use toilet for a Thai princess's visit, and is planning to destroy the toilet afterwards. The toilet will cost an estimated $40, 000 US. Link. In Cambodia, only  about 47% of the population have access to toilets.

Friday 11 March 2016

Spring Break (T2B85)

Finally spring break! I'll be spending those two weeks growing bacteria downstairs in my lab for the science fair...

Thursday 10 March 2016

True Fact (T2B84)

We know that Donald Trump won't be president when Facebook makes fun of him.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Sad Kitten (T2B83)

This poor kitten without an eye was named ugly because she was all dirty and filthy. Apparently no one cared for the cat and hosed it or slammed doors on her paws. One day, a dog mauled and injured her a lot until she died swiftly. We should never judge a thing by its cover, because you never know its full story. Link.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

(T2B82) Band Concert

So yesterday I spent 3 hours at the band concert in my school, and we were not allowed to leave even after we performed. After the first 5 minutes, I was sooo bored. Seriously, I don't even get why we have to stay. I was literally starving, and I still had to listen to amatures playing notes.

(T2B81) Kim Kardashian

Seriously Kim actually named her daughter North West. Just gonna keep my mouth shut.

Sunday 6 March 2016

(T2B80) Pet Shelter

So apparently this couple didn't know which dog to save a shelter so they bought the whole store. Link. How do these people even have that much money to buy a whole dog shelter????

Saturday 5 March 2016

District Science Fair (T2B79)

Yesterday was the science fair and it was absolutely awesome! The judges seemed kind of stunned at my project and presentation because they forgot to ask questions... Anyways, my presentation was way too long and the judges had to stop me at one point. :)) My student teacher was also a judge!!!

Dinner was awesome! The synergy kids stayed together and we had a delicious bacon burger. Our tours later on were also very interesting. My group cross-linked glue polymers with borax.

Finally at the awards ceremony, my friends and I won medals, and a place at the regional science fair!!! It was very exciting! We also got free pizza slices in the end!!!

Best day ever!!!!

My Project Board - NapoleanChurchill 05/03/16

Thursday 3 March 2016

Japanese Kokeshi Doll (T2B78)


Wednesday 2 March 2016

Nature Necklace (T2B77)

Great! You can now pick up a flower and wear it preserved in your own necklace! Link.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Nazis (T2B76)

Just reading a bit about World War 2 today and the Jewish holocaust. Some things are so gruesome, like when the doctors experimented on children and made conjoined twins using stiches. That doctor is called the angel of death, because he was so kind to the children, and gave them clothing and candy and let them call him Uncle. The next day, the were transported to the medical laboratories.

Monday 29 February 2016

Oscar (T2B75)

Leonardo finally got and Oscarrrrr... And he spends his whole speech talking about global warming. Like he's gonna do anything about it.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Rich (T2B73)

So this girl spent 10, 000 dollars to look like a disney princess, and is expecting people to pay big loads of money for her to visit them at a birthday party... Link. This is what happens when humanity has too much money.

Friday 26 February 2016

Annoying Teachers (T2B72)

Check out this picture below: an annoying teacher doesn't seem to get that 5+5+5 = 3+3+3+3+3. Link.
This is why there are arguments...

Thursday 25 February 2016

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Plastic Surgery (T2B70)

Remember this meme? Apparently the female model's suing the ad agency.  Here's why: Link.

Monday 22 February 2016

Alive or Dead? (T2B69)

Apparently people are developing new technology that could potentially make people live forever, well only the brain. Link. Is it actually right to keep people living forever? What if some poor people can't afford it? Would there be  problems caused by overpopulation?

Sunday 21 February 2016

Donald Problems (T2B68)

I can't believe Donald Trump is being rude to apple because they refused to hack into a shooter's phone. Link. People ACTUALLY support him though....

Saturday 20 February 2016

What Happened to Mankind? (T2B67)

Over the past few years, 49 people died from taking selfies. Now, people killed a rare dolphin calf in attempts to take a good selfie. The dolphin died from lack of access to water. Link.

I don't even get how this selfie even looks good though... - Napolean Churchill 20/02/16
Imagine if underwater aliens came to Earth and took selfies with you while you're suffocating in the water, how would you feel?

Friday 19 February 2016

Monkeys in Space (T2B66)

So these Russians are going to train the most intelligent of intelligent monkeys to bring them to Mars. Link. Apparently, they're teaching them how to use joysticks...

Thursday 18 February 2016

Surgery (T2B65)

If a person got a stroke and required surgery to remove 1/3 of his brain, would you let it happen? Link.

Monday 15 February 2016

Quick Fact (T2B63)

If aliens saw Earth right now, they would see dinosaurs. It takes a lonng time for light to travel.

What if aliens came to Earth to capture what they thought were the dinosaurs, but were blasted with a nuclear bomb by the United States instead????

Sunday 14 February 2016

Toronto vs North Pole (T2B62)

Apparently it's colder in Toronto than in the North Pole. - Napolean Churchill 14/02/16

Thursday 11 February 2016

Gravitational Waves (T2B61)

Apparently Einstein's rule was recently proven true. Link. People are actually comparing this with Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the phone...

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Beautiful Architecture (T2B60)

I wonder why humans like good architecture. Link. It never appears naturally in nature, and it's a big sign of pollution, yet we still find it pretty. It's so weird.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Twins (T2B59)

One of the saddest things of being orphans, especially siblings, is when they are separated when they are adopted. Link.

Sunday 7 February 2016

New Year (T2B58)

It's Chinese New Year! I celebrated by spending 13 hours on my science fair project. I'm REALLY hoping I'm going to district fair...

Friday 5 February 2016

Bald Eagle (T2B57)

Ever wondered why the bald eagle isn't photographed from the front? Here's why: 
Bad hair day... -Napolean Churchill 05/02/16

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Barbie Problems (T2B56)

I'm not so sure if these new Barbie dolls are any good... Link. They began to make dolls with more "realistic" bodies, such as fatter dolls. I think the main reason why people like playing with dolls is because of its beautiful and attractive features though.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Science Fair (T2B55)

This year, I'm determined to do well in the regional science fair, so I'm spending about 5 hours a day on my project.

Monday 1 February 2016

Panda Hugs (T2B54)

Some people think that hugging pandas 365 days a year for $32, 000 is the best job ever. Link. Personally, I don't find it as a particularly interesting job, especially because you have to go 365 days a year, meaning no Christmas breaks or weekend breaks. The best job should be fairly interesting and is provided alongside with some breaks.

Sunday 31 January 2016

Pets (T2B53)

Humans are so selfish. They keep dogs as pets with no other second thought. The result of this is a bunch of old and sick dogs who die in shelters because they just don't look "cute" enough. Link. We only keep pets for our own selfish desire. We aren't doing any kinds of favours for them.

Friday 29 January 2016

30 Million Years (T2B51)

Let's hope you won't live for 30 million years because a giant smith cloud will crash into our galaxy and do god knows what. Link. Here's a reason to not pay a lot of money to have your body frozen for a few million years from now.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Trump (T2B50)

My friend thinks that Donald Trump should be president because we would have war.

Student Loan (T2B29)

So this student wasn't able to get a student loan because she was apparently "dead". How did they even get the idea that she died?

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Chess (T2B48)

Sometimes I wonder if Garry Kasparov lost to the IBM chess robot purely because he was too nervous or just that he messed up. Link. We are only human after all.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Sunday 24 January 2016

Saturday 23 January 2016

School Shooting (T2B45)

I seriously can't believe that a teen would have the guts to shoot his own classmates. Link. I thought this kind of stuff only happened in America.

Friday 22 January 2016

The First Space Flower (T2B44)

So apparently, NASA just planted a new flower on the space station. Link. However, they used too many resources to try to keep them alive.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Efforts (T2B43)

In his efforts to attract Christian voters, Donald Trump recites a phrase from the bible, only to misquote the holy book: Link. Seriously, I think that this offends Christians even more...

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Biodiversity Museum (T2B42)

Today, I visited the Biodiversity Museum in UBC and it was very boring as the tour guide spent way too much time speaking, and too little time for our own self-discovery. Also, the displays were all locked up behind the black cabinets except for a label of the specimen. I found that the public transit and the activity was the most interesting part of the field trip.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Our Strange Obsession (T2B41)

Did you realize how humans tend to find patterns in nature that look like humans? Take this for example: Walking Person on Clouds.

Monday 18 January 2016

Debate Conference (T2B40)

A few weeks ago, my Applied Skills class had a debate regarding the topic of homelessness and ideal actions to carry out. During this debate, one of my classmates introduced a quite different idea, and received extreme negative responses from the majority of the class.

Although I remained silent throughout most of the debate, I was extremely upset about the behaviour of my classmates that were both immature and unnecessarily critical. This was especially true when I saw my classmates disrespecting her on group chat while calling her extremely mean names. To find that no one stood up for her was so upsetting. These students who think themselves to be such bright students are nothing but immature, narrow - minded students.

Polar Expression (T2B39)*

Last week, I received a letter from the poetry competition I entered in November stating that I have been listed as top 25% of the entries and will proceed to final judging! I was actually quite disappointed because my English teacher said that I "won", when actually I just passed preliminary judging...

*Today, I'm going to try actually blogging about my life.

Syrian Refugees? (T2B38)

Recently when shopping, I found a Syrian refugee that was crying with her children while displaying a cardboard sign that said, "Single mom, 4 children." After many hours, they walked home with a pack of bread. They would probably only have bread and canned fruits for dinner.

I don't know what Justin Trudeau should have done. Should he allow more refugees to come where they might become homeless and starving, or should we leave them where they used to live where there is war? It seems horrible to leave them out at war, but even more when I see them starving and crying for their dinner.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Economy Explained (T2B37)

If you know nothing about the economy in our world, these cows will teach you. Link.

Friday 15 January 2016

Alan Rickman (T2B36)

Wow. To see so many Harry Potter movies and realize that Alan Rickman, the actor for Severus Snape just died at the age of 70 yesterday.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Canada's Economy (T2B34)

Apparently the Canadian toonie briefly dipped to 70 American cents. Link. Please tell me this is not Justin Trudeau's fault.

Monday 11 January 2016

Teratoma (T2B33)

So a cougar was found with another set of teeth and whiskers on his forehead. Link. It could be caused by a teratoma, a tumor which can sometimes grow, eyes, brains, teeth, or small organs. Ew...

Sunday 10 January 2016

Hippo Water Roller (T2B32)

A few African engineers made a roller to transport water.

I feel like a better invention would be to make a roller that can somehow purify water as you roll. Link to original website: Hippo Water Roller.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Syrian Refugees (T2B31)

So apparently some Syrian refugees at the Vancouver welcoming event got sprayed with pepper by a oncoming guy on a motorcycle. Link. Now the police is investigating to find out who that guy is.

It's funny how the police care more about the Syrian refugees than some our own citizens that are currently homeless and are being assaulted. Instead, they decide to investigate some guy that didn't even cause physical harm to some refugees. So many people in our country are constantly pepper sprayed, so why don't they care then?

Should Canada invite more people into our country, or should we protect and nourish our own citizens first? We want to be nice, but we should care about our own too.

Friday 8 January 2016

Science Projects (T2B30)

You know those genius kids who discover that we can use newspaper as biofuel? It's funny how they get acknowledged a whole lot at the awards ceremony but no one uses their inventions in our communities. Here's an example: Link. No one even thought about using the newspaper biofuel for cars though... Wouldn't that be a lot cheaper? 

Thursday 7 January 2016

New Year Surprise! (T2B29)

Apparently this guy ran naked wearing a mask of a politician peeping through people's windows on New Years. The temperature outside was 4 degrees celcius. Link.

I don't know what's more funny, that it was 4 degrees outside or he was wearing a politician's face when running around!

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Obama Issues (T2B28)

Obama continues to stubbornly link gun violence with guns. Link.

This has GOT to be the funniest article I've ever read. Especially surgeon Ben Carson's quote, "Even if every gun in the world suddenly disappeared, there would still be gun violence."Anyways, it's totally laughing at those people that criticize a lot!

Tuesday 5 January 2016

And the Cycle Repeats (T2B27)

Why I don't like Justin Trudeau:

1. He gets votes from idiots to legalize marijuana.

2. People get addicted to Marijuana.

3. He warns people on the consequences of legalizing Pot. Link.

4. People don't care.

5. Justin Trudeau screws up and decides to take away legalization of marijuana.

6. People get angry.

7. Bob Justin Pierre Trudeau becomes next Prime Minister.

8. Bob Justin Pierre Trudeau makes heroin legal.

9. Steve Bob Justin Pierre Trudeau becomes next Prime Minister...

Monday 4 January 2016

Thriving Garden Plants? (T2B26)

Ever wonder what happened to the seed you planted into a sealed bottle? This guy planted a seed and left it out in the sun, only to discover that it had grown into big mess of leaves. He states that the water evaporating is constantly raining down on the plants for a water source. Wow. Link.

Saturday 2 January 2016

2016 Liberal Promises (T2B25)

As we all know, the Liberals promised us legalized Marijuana, physician assisted dying, and helping to stop ISIS. Link.

I don't really care about legalized Marijuana except that it smells really bad, and that the smell's starting to occupy my school. I really don't think we should do much about the ISIS because Canada's army sucks and that we would be a easy target for them anyways. The only thing I'm really ok with is physician assisted dying, but what bothers me is that how a person can judge themselves to make it an eligible option for them? Also, it would be especially difficult for a physician's job when agreeing to kill someone. Won't people think that the doctor is a murderer?

How much longer until people start hating Justin Trudeau?

Friday 1 January 2016

Hacking?! (T2B24)

OMG! Apparently some Chinese authorities were hacking into people's microsoft accounts! Link.

Microsoft is now starting to notify people if their accounts were suspected of being hacked.